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Tattoo History

Writer's picture: Raymond NealRaymond Neal

If you have never seriously considered getting a tattoo or if you’re wondering what motivates other people from getting something that is permanently etched onto their skin, and the pain that comes along with it, you might be wondering what are the reasons why people are getting them.

When you ask someone who has tattoos why they decided to get one, you’ll discover that there are more than one reason why they are doing it.

It’s a part of their culture

Tattooing is an ancient practice.

In a lot of cultures, having a tattoo is an ancient ritual or a traditional aesthetic.

The Maori, for example, practice getting tattoos as a social marker, rather than just a fashion statement. These tattoos serve as their markings as a member of a particular tribe or a family and also identifies where they stand in the social structure.

In the modern times, tattoos may not have a history of a long-established culture, but they still serve as a marking as a member of a particular subculture or association.

There are gangs, bikers, clubs, and associations who are getting a certain tattoo design as a display of their membership in the group. These permanent markings show their sense of belongingness in the group.

They like the look or design of the tattoo

A lot of people are drawn to the tattoo because of how beautiful it is or how cool it looks.

Even if the design doesn’t have any significance to them, they are compelled to get one because they are fascinated with the particular design and want it to be permanently etched onto their skin.

There are also other people who use tattoos as a permanent fashion accessory. The small heart or start discreetly inked onto their wrist or a full sleeve of colorful tattoos complements their overall personal aesthetic or look.

It is something meaningful or personal

Some tattoos have a personal significance to the bearers.

Some people are getting tattoos not because they are a part of a club or a tribe, but because it is something meaningful or personal to their lives.

Tattoos commemorating a birthday or a year or even a person’s initials, for example, can be a tribute to a deceased loved one. It helps them remember those that they have loved and as a tribute to them on their skin. There are also others who get a motto, a slogan or a saying that they use to orient their lives.

They can express individuality

There is something about tattoos that can make others gravitate to them or will make them stand out in a crowd.

For others, their tattoos are their biggest appeal. Having their skins inked makes them feel like they are their own person. Since they don’t want to look like other people and they want to stand out, they get bold and prominent designs.

There are also others who associate their inks as a physical manifestation of their personality. It helps them express something about themselves and the tattoos can display a different side of them.

It covers imperfections

Some people are also getting tattoos for cosmetic reasons.

They use it to cover or incorporate a certain imperfection onto their skin, like a stretch mark, a scar, cellulites, and even various veins, to make them less visible and prominent.

The fact that tattoos will never go out of style makes them the best permanent cover-up.

They are addicted to the process or the pain

While some people are not getting their skins inked due to their fear of needles, there are others who are getting tattoos due to their addiction to the pain or the sensation from the process.

Getting a tattoo is a unique experience: You are voluntarily subjecting yourself from the pain, which can sometimes last for hours or days.

It can defy the cultural norms

While more and more people are getting tattoos, there are still some cultures who haven’t completely embraced it.

Some people are getting tattoos to rebel, to defy the cultural norms or their family’s expectations.

Those who are turning their backs on a certain cultural upbringing or a religious belief, are getting tattoos as a sign of their new lifestyle or their break from the past, especially if their community or religion frowns upon or prohibits them from getting one.

Others are also sporting tattoos as they are not conforming to the norms of their professional roles. It is not usual for some politicians, businessmen, doctors or lawyers to showcase their tattoos, however, there are professionals who are pushing for acceptance in their chosen field.

It celebrates their fandom

If you are hooked to a particular book, program, song or movie, you can get a tattoo to commemorate your fandom.

Getting a tattoo is a way to claim something that matters for you or if it made a big difference in your life.

While other people enjoy wearing a band shirt, other fans love to sport a Harry Potter or a Game of Thrones tattoo to honor their favorite character. It is also a perfect conversation starter.

They are a piece of artwork

Some people consider tattoos beautiful, they are a piece of art.

They pick the tattoo design as it is pretty or it spoke to them. Getting your skin inked because “it’s a cool design” is a valid reason as tattoos are an expression of art.

It serves as a reminder

Sometimes, it is easy to forget how you can remind yourself that everything is going to be okay or on how you can love and take care of yourself.

A lot of people are getting tattoos that say “It’s all Okay” or quotes and keywords which will always remind them to be optimistic.

Anything You Need to Know About Tattoo History

When and where were tattoos first performed? Tattoos were dated back thousands of years ago.

In fact, there was firm evidence linking tattooing as an ancient art form. There were discoveries of tattoos on mummified skin. The oldest evidence of human tattoos is believed to be from 3370 BC and 3100 BC.

The oldest human mummy discovered in September 1991, Otzi the Iceman, found in the Otzal Alps, has a body that is naturally mummified and preserved.

The discoverers found a total of 61 tattoos on his skin, in various locations of his body, with the majority of the ink inscriptions on his legs. After thorough and close examinations of these markings, they found that fireplace ash or soot were used to create the tattoos.

There are also other eras and ages throughout history revealing a rich and long history of tattooing. Tattooed mummies and human remains were discovered in different parts of the globe such as China, Russia, the Philippines, Sudan, Greenland, Egypt, Mongolia, and Alaska.

The Ancient and Traditional Practices of Getting Tattoos

While the first tattoos were dated back to ancient civilizations, there are some cultures around the world that incorporate tattoos as a part of their tradition.


There are some cemeteries in Western China, particularly in the province of Xinjiang, where mummies with tattooed skins can be found. These mummies are dated as far as 2100 BC.

While ancient Chinese practices getting tattoos, this practice is considered to be barbaric and was highly stigmatized in the culture as they refer them to bandits and folk heroes.

It is also thought that those who can’t be trusted and convicted criminals are branded with a tattoo on their face as a warning to other people.


There were discoveries of tattooed mummies from the ancient Egypt, which dates back to 2000 BC.

Some theories generalize that ancient people are getting these inking's for decorative purposes.

According to a research conducted by Daniel Fouquet, tattoos were also performed as a medical treatment. After examining the different scars in the body of a priestess, Hathor suggests that it was for a pelvic peritonitis treatment.


Getting tattoos has been a part of the Samoan cultural traditions for thousands of years. It forms an integral part of the social culture in the country.

It is even believed that the word “tattoo” originated from the Samaon word “tatau.”

Giving and receiving tattoos by hand in Samoa has been a practice for years. The tools, the techniques, and the skills used have been passed down from generations.

The process in Samoa takes experience and time to be completed. A special tool, made from turtle shell and boar’s teeth, takes many weeks to be completed. Samoans also have a tattooing ceremony to mark a younger’s chief ascension to a leadership or an important role to the society.

The Philippines

Tattoos were commonly seen among the Kalinga and Bontoc Igorot tribes in the Philippines. Men from these tribes are sporting these inks on their skin which symbolizes the number of human heads they took during a head hunt.

The tattooing instruments used during the ancient times in the Philippines are made from wood or an animal horn, carved about 10 cm long and 2mm thick, with needles affixed at the tip. The tattoo is then applied by tapping with a wooden hammer, using a pigment ink from tree resin and soot.

What was the meaning of tattoos during the ancient times?

There is no proven meaning as to why the ancient people are getting tattoos.

However, the decorations from the discovered bodies such as tattoos, piercings, and scarifications, are means of distinguishing the members of a group or tribe and even their social standing.

Culturally and historically, these tattoos were applied and used to decorate their bodies as a mark of distinction. Some groups are adorning their bodies with tattoos as a reward for an achievement or to signify their transition to adulthood and leadership. There are also others who are applying tattoos as a form of shame or punishment.

In a tribe, tattoos can also indicate marital status, age, power, and class. The difference in design can also distinguish those who are a part of or associated with their group or if they are coming from an enemy tribe. In a lot of countries in the past, tattoos on women also symbolized beauty.

Tattoos are an inherent part of the culture. While the ancient times use it as a reward or a distinction of power and beauty, the modern times see it as an expression of art and individuality.

Getting Your First Tattoo

Deciding to permanently ink a design onto your skin is a personal act. Even if it’s done for traditional reasons in the past, it is still your decision to get one.

However, if you’ve decided to get your very first tattoo, keep in mind that for your safety it should be your top priority.

There are a lot of shops where you can get your skin inked, but improper practice can result in scars, irritated or worse, swollen open wounds.

If you have an intricate design in mind, you should also get an artist who can turn your designs into a masterpiece.

RNR Custom Tattoos specializes in custom tattoos and coverups. They provide a variety of art designs, ranging from portraits, geometrics, Neo-traditional, graphics, and even water color.

RNR Custom Tattoos also offer piercings, paintings, and murals.

They offer a professional, clean environment for an excellent tattooing experience. They also focus on their clients and make sure that they step out of the door excited with the outcome.

RNR Custom Tattoos specializes in custom art. However, if you have your own design in mind, just bring it in and their tattoo artists will customize it to fit your needs and wants. They can also help you pick out the artwork that you will cherish forever.

Located in 3879 N Lecanto Highway, Beverly Hills, Florida 34465, you can check out the different designs, feedback, and custom pieces created by RNR Custom Tattoos through:

You can also reach out to them via email at or give them a call at 1-352-513-3900 to book your appointment today.

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